Install Dante Socks Proxy Centos 7

I need a socks 5 proxy server that can run on centos. This would use a block of IP's so that client X with IP Address zzz connects tomy proxy server with ip xxx and then to remote host with ip yyy.
What is the best server software that I should install?

まずは依存モジュールをyumで削除&インストール yum -y erase apr yum -y install db4-devel expat-devel postgresql-devel sqlite-devel freetds-devel unixODBC-devel n. Install SOCKS proxy server on CentOS 7(Dante) この時はrepositoryを見つけられなくてソース(dante-1.4.1.tar.gz)からインストールしました。 ちょっと気になって調べたらGhettoForge repositoryがDanteパッケージを提供しているようです。. Dante - A free SOCKS server. Dante is a product developed by Inferno Nettverk A/S. Dante is used daily by Fortune 100 companies and large international organizations, both as a standard (forward) proxy server and as a reverse proxy server. Configuration and setup of Dante is.


2 Answers

Consider installing dante Socks 5 server: yum install dante-serverYou should enable a 3rd party repository to install it, I use RPMForge.

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ss5. its not perfect, but its at least good, and free.


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Dante socks5 server (v1.3.2) auto-install and management script


To build a socks5 server, we have lots of open-source programs to reach that, Dante is one of them.I have been using Dante for years and starting to write this auto-install and management script two years ago.This is the second update to match the systemd and new OS release like Debian 8 , CentOS 7. Friedland stockport sk5 6bp doorbell manual.

Comparing with the apt-get or building from source manually, this script will benefit you bellow

Socks Proxy Yahoo

  • Auto-recognize, detect the machine's system automatically and compile from source code.
  • Auto-config, check the system's network or read from argument to auto-generate config file.
  • Same-rotation, in multi-ipaddr system. It works like when using different ip address to connect socks5, your external ip address will be different. That's the main reason why I using Dante for years.
  • Multi-authorization, you can configure authorization by pam, system or using whitelist.


  • if you want to uninstall, using this command
  • if you want to add user


Dante Socks Proxy

Long OptionShort OptionValue referdescription
--ip=ip address list (a.a.a.a:b.b.b.b) *#change ';' to ':' *Socks5 Server Ip address
--port=Default: 2016port for dante socks5 server
--user=Pam-Auth UsernameSocks5 Auth user
--passwd=Pam-Auth PasswordSocks5 Auth passwd
--whitelist=whitelist ip range (a.a.a.a/32:b.b.b.b/32)Socks5 Auth IP list
--whitelist-url=online white list file (url)Socks Auth whitelist http online
--from-package-p--Install package from Bin package
--update-whitelist-u--update white list
--force-f--force install sockd
--help-h--print help info


service sockd start/etc/init.d/sockd startstart socks5 server daemon
service sockd stop/etc/init.d/sockd stopstop socks5 server daemon
service sockd restart/etc/init.d/sockd restartrestart socks5 server daemon
service sockd reload/etc/init.d/sockd reloadreload socks5 server daemon
service sockd restart/etc/init.d/sockd restartrestart socks5 server daemon
service sockd statussystemd process status
service sockd state/etc/init.d/sockd staterunning state
service sockd tail/etc/init.d/sockd tailsock log tail
service sockd adduser/etc/init.d/sockd adduseradd pam-auth user: service sockd adduser NAME PASSWORD
service sockd deluser/etc/init.d/sockd deluserdelete pam-auth user: service sockd deluser NAME

Test Pass

OS releasePlatformProviderResult
Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)x86_64vultrpass
Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)x86_64vultrpass
Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)i686vultrpass
Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak)x86_64vultrpass
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTSi686vultrpass
CentOS Linux 7 (Core)x86_64vultrpass
CentOS Linux 6x86_64vultrpass
CentOS Linux 6i686vultrpass