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Cadillacs and dinosaurs 20 gun hack setup. With the advance of information technology, especially internet, the access to study English is open online widely. This is very helpful to develop our English competency. There are many internet sites providing English learning pages, and many of them are free of charges. Some sites that I collected from various sources.

Dengan kemajuan IT sekarang ini, terbuka dengan sangat lebar bagi kita untuk belajar bahasa Inggris secara on-line. Ini sangat membantu kita meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris kita. Terdapat banyak sekali situs situs yang menyediakan halaman-halaman pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, dan tidak sedikit diantaranya gratis. Ada beberapa situs yang saya kumpulkan untuk kesempatan ini, diantaranya sebagai berikut:

  1. Swarabhaskara (belajar bahasa inggris dengan bahasa indonesia & english
  2. ESL go
  3. Bell English Online
  4. English @ home
  5. English for Free
  6. ENGLISHonline.netSelf-Study Quizzes for ESL Students (English Tests)
  7. ESL PartyLand–quiz center
  8. English Language Quizzes –
  9. ESL test: English Grammar Tenses / Esl quiz
  10. Super Quiz Machine for ESL Students (English Test)
  11. ESL Quizzes,grammar quiz, ESL grammar quiz,Upper Intermediate
  12. Irregular Verbs – Spelling Quiz
  13. E. L. Easton – English – Exercises, Quizzes, Tests
  14. English Grammar for ESL Learners
  15. Grammar Activities (Ohio ESL)
  16. ESLEnglish Exercises and Quizzes
  17. English Grammar: Present Continuous Tense Quiz (
  18. English as a Second Language – Tenses Quiz
  19. English Language Quizzes –
  20. ESL test: English Grammar Tenses / Esl quiz
  21. Learn English
  22. English Exercises Online! (by Lilliam Hurst)
  23. O N L I N E E X E R C I S E S – Grammar
  24. English Grammar Exercises
  25. Business English Lessons
  26. English ExerciseEnglish Exercises
  27. E. L. Easton – EnglishExercises, Quizzes, Tests

Kursus Bahasa Inggris Online

Tenses Quiz From English Page dot com

  1. Verb Tense Exercise 1 Simple Present and Present Continuous
  2. Verb Tense Exercise 2 Simple Present and Present Continuous
  3. Verb Tense Exercise 3 Simple Past and Past Continuous
  4. Verb Tense Exercise 4 Simple Past and Past Continuous
  5. Verb Tense Exercise 5 Simple Past and Present Perfect
  6. Verb Tense Exercise 6 Simple Past and Present Perfect
  7. Verb Tense Exercise 7 Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
  8. Verb Tense Exercise 8 Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
  9. Verb Tense Exercise 9 Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous
  10. Verb Tense Exercise 10 Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous
  11. Verb Tense Exercise 11 Simple Past and Past Perfect
  12. Verb Tense Exercise 12 Simple Past, Present Perfect, and Past Perfect
  13. Verb Tense Exercise 13 Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous
  14. Verb Tense Exercise 14 Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous,
  15. Verb Tense Exercise 15 Tenses with durations
  16. Verb Tense Exercise 16 Present and Past Tenses with Non-Continuous Verbs
  17. Verb Tense Exercise 17 Present and Past Tense Review
  18. Verb Tense Exercise 18 Will and Be Going to
  19. Verb Tense Exercise 19 Will and Be Going to
  20. Verb Tense Exercise 20 Will and Be Going to
  21. Verb Tense Exercise 21 Simple Present and Simple Future
  22. Verb Tense Exercise 22 Simple Present and Simple Future
  23. Verb Tense Exercise 23 Simple Future and Future Continuous
  24. Verb Tense Exercise 24 Simple Present, Simple Future, Present Continuous, and Future Continuous
  25. Verb Tense Exercise 25 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
  26. Verb Tense Exercise 26 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
  27. Verb Tense Exercise 27 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
  28. Verb Tense Exercise 28 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
  29. Verb Tense Final Test Cumulative Verb Tense Review
  30. Verb Tense Practice Test Cumulative Verb Tense Review
  31. Verb Tense Exercise 1
  32. Verb Tense Exercise 2
  33. Verb Tense Exercise 3
  34. Verb Tense Exercise 4
  35. Verb Tense Exercise 5
  36. Verb Tense Exercise 6
  37. Verb Tense Exercise 7
  38. Verb Tense Exercise 8
  39. Verb Tense Exercise 9
  40. Verb Tense Exercise 10
  41. Verb Tense Exercise 11
  42. Verb Tense Exercise 12
  43. Verb Tense Exercise 13
  44. Verb Tense Exercise 14
  45. Verb Tense Exercise 15
  46. Verb Tense Exercise 16
  47. Verb Tense Exercise 17
  48. Verb Tense Exercise 18
  49. Verb Tense Exercise 19
  50. Verb Tense Exercise 20
  51. Verb Tense Exercise 21
  52. Verb Tense Exercise 22
  53. Verb Tense Exercise 23
  54. Verb Tense Exercise 24
  55. Verb Tense Exercise 25
  56. Verb Tense Exercise 26
  57. Verb Tense Exercise 27
  58. Verb Tense Exercise 28
  59. Verb Tense Final Test
  60. Verb Tense Practice Test

Semoga bermanfaat J
