Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

25 Questions By Wawan Setiadi Last updated: Jul 30, 2011

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2


Untuk Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 ini, kamu akan belajar mulai dari berbagai materi expressions dalam bahasa Inggris, grammar mendasar, sampai texts seperti descriptive & procedural texts. 20 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2 – Cara setiap siswa mempelajari Bahasa Inggris tentulah berbeda. Ada sebagian siswa yang lebih suka belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan membaca sesuatu atau mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris. Mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris merupakan bidang study yang di ajarkan di jenjang SMP mulai dari tingkat kelas 7, kelas 8 dan kelas 9. Pada kurikulum 2013 jumlah jam mengajar untuk mata pelajaran bahasa inggris masih sama dengan kurikulum KTSP yaitu 4 jam perminggu yang artinya bahwa tidak terjadi penambahan jam di kurikulum 2013.

Soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 2

Silabus Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

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Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
  • 2.
    Student : ............. I am late Theacher : That's OK, but don't do that again
    • I am very good

    • I do this

    • I go home

    • I'm sorry, sir

  • Your friend found you wallet and gave it back to you, What would you say ?
    • I'm glad to see you

    • It's alright

    • I'm very sorry

    • Thank you very much

  • Wulan : what is Susan doingCitra : She ...... fried rice
    • Cook

    • Cooks

    • Cooking

    • Is cooking

  • We .... SMP 5 Students
    • Is

    • Am

    • Are

    • Do

  • They ..... SMP student
    • Is not

    • Are not

    • Am not

    • Does not

  • Tomi .... a student
  • She ...... a student
    • Are not

    • Is not

    • Do not

    • Are not

  • ...... you student ?
    • Are

    • Am

    • Is

    • Does

  • .......... they students
    • Is

    • Do

    • Are

    • Am

  • I ...... a student
    • Are

    • Is

    • Am

    • Can

  • You interduce yourself in front of the class. The appropriate expressions is .....
  • You interduce Martha to your mother. She is you new friend. You Say ...
    • Mom, this is a student

    • Mom, this is Martha my new friend

    • Is is a new student

    • Meet my mother, please

  • Your teacher introduce one of new students in front of the class. He say ...
    • Find the name of your friend

    • Meet my new friend

    • She is a student

    • Let me introduce you to a new student

  • Mr. Smith : Mrs. Brown, this is miss Mary, she is from AutraliaMrs. Brown : How do you doMiss Mary : ...........................
    • How do you do

    • Nice to meet you

    • Nice to meet you too

    • Very well, thank you

  • Taufik : Fatimah, this is SitiFatimah : Hi, Siti. Nice to meet youSiti : ........................
    • How are you

    • Fine, thanks

    • See you later

    • Nice to meet you too

  • Mia .... a student
    • Is

    • Am

    • Do

    • Are

  • Rani and Sinta ........ my clssmates
    • Are

    • Am

    • Does

    • Is

  • That man ......... not my uncle
    • Is

    • Does

    • Are

    • Am

  • I ... not the only child in my family
    • Am

    • Are

    • Is

    • Does

  • ........... the students in the laboratory ?
    • Is

    • Does

    • Are

    • Am

  • ......... Andi at home alone ?
    • Are

    • Do

    • Am

    • Is

  • We ............. not from same elementary school
    • Is

    • Are

    • Does

    • Am

  • ....... your father and mother at home ?
    • Are

    • Does

    • Am

    • Is

  • They ........ not Ari and David
    • Is

    • Does

    • Are

    • Am