Internal Parasites In Humans Symptoms
If you have tried countless approaches to heal your gut and relieve your symptoms without any success, a parasite could be the underlying cause for many of your unexplained and unresolved symptoms. How do you get parasites? There are a number of ways to contract a parasite. First, parasites can enter your body through contaminated food and water. Mar 1, 2004 - Intestinal parasites cause significant morbidity and mortality. Vermicularis, or pinworm, causes irritation and sleep disturbances.
The blood brain barrier is the brain’s traffic cop, usually preventing parasites from entering the brain and taking up residence. Sometimes, though, parasites bypass this barrier. Once inside, parasites find an oasis--the brain provides an ideal environment for parasites to live and grow. Taenia solium (the pork tapeworm that causes cysticercosis), Naegleria fowleri (freshwater amoeba that causes primary amoebic meningo-cephalitis) and Toxoplasma gondii (microscopic protozoa that causes toxoplasmosis) are all parasites that can infect the brain. The most common cause of brain parasites in the United States is the pork tapeworm.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), headaches are one of the first symptoms a person infected with one of these organisms will experience. Such headaches can be accompanied by a sensitivity to light or blurred vision. This symptom is common in all types of parasitic brain infection.
As the infection grows and begins to affect more brain tissue, the patient might experience general confusion, according to the Mayo Clinic. Such confusion might be exhibited as memory difficulties, disorientation, inattention to people and surroundings and an inability to make decisions. Both Naegleria and pork tapeworm infections cause confusion, as stated by the Mayo Clinic and
Fever develops as the body’s response to infection, activating the immune system. This fever may or may not help fight parasitic infection. According to, some brain parasites, such as the amoeba that causes Naegleria infection, can shed portions of itself to act as a decoy against the immune system. Fever will still occur, but the immune system will “chase” the decoy, enabling the infection to progress.
Nausea, possibly triggered by the presence of parasites in particular parts of the brain, is experienced with parasitic infection. The California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech) states that when larvae attach to brain-fluid cavities, nausea can result. With pork tapeworm infection, nausea could be linked to a secondary parasitic infection in the gastrointestinal tract.
As a Naegleria infection advances, seizures can occur, according to the CDC. Cal Tech researchers, in describing pork tapeworm infection, state that seizures are caused by larvae attaching to brain tissue.
Change in Specific Brain Function
Depending on the portion of the brain that is infected, the patient might experience other specific symptoms, such as a loss of balance, paranoia or hallucinations.
According to the CDC, as a Naegleria infection progresses, the patient can develop hydrocephalus, which is fluid buildup in the brain.
Intestinal parasites, including tape worms, round worms and pin worms, are much more common than most people would like to acknowledge. While the idea of critters in a colon can give anyone the creeps, it is important to know how to recognize the symptoms of worms in humans and seek prompt treatment.
Weight Loss
Most Americans can stand to lose a little weight, so some people ignore unintentional weight loss instead of promptly addressing the cause. Unexplained weight loss is often the first sign that a person is sharing his food with a colony of worms.
Itching of the anus or vagina can be a sign that intestinal parasites are squirming about and causing local skin irritation. Eczema-like skin rashes elsewhere on the body may appear.
Stomach Pain
Gassy stomach pain can be a sign of worm infestation, although there are many other causes, including irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers and food intolerance. Pain from worms can appear anywhere in the abdomen.
Diarrhea or Constipation
Treatment For Parasites In Humans
Intestinal parasites are likely to cause intermittent episodes of constipation or severe diarrhea, and bowel movements may be foul smelling. These symptoms may resemble another condition and be misdiagnosed.
Worms or Eggs in Stool
Signs And Symptoms Of Internal Parasites In Humans
It should go without saying, but many people still fail to recognize symptoms of intestinal parasites even when they pass worms or worm eggs in their feces.