Biologi Kelas 11



Materi Biologi Kelas XI semester 2 Rangkuman Biologi kelas XI semester II. Proses pencernaan makanan pada manusia melibatkan alat-alat pencernaan. Alat-alat pencernaan manusia terdiri dari: - Saluran pencernaan: mulut, kerongkongan, lambung, usus halus, usus besar, dan anus. Pada pelajaran Biologi Kelas XI untuk Kurikulum 2013 Revisi ini, terdapat pembahasan materi Biologi yang lebih kompleks lagi, karena pelajaran Biologi kelas XI difokuskan pada bab-bab tentang anatomi dan fisiologi manusia.


This research is a descriptive research which aims to determine the quality of test on final odd semester of the XI grade state senior high school made by Takalar team biology teacher academic year 2013-2014. The research populations were all of the questions and the answer sheets of the XI grade state senior high school science students on final odd semester Biology test. The research samples were the questions and student's answer sheets earned from 4 schools: SMA Negeri 3 Takalar (N=108), SMA Negeri 1 Polongbangkeng Utara (N=43), SMA Negeri 1 Polongbangkeng Selatan (N=28) dan SMA Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan (N=100). The variable in this study is about the quality of the test on final odd semester, which is reviewed using indicators: the quality of the content and construction aspects that analyzed using the item analysis sheet, and also level of item validity, reliability, power of differentiator, level of difficulty, and distractors/detractors that calculated and interpreted using the formula and table interpretation. The research showed that on the analysis of the content aspects 34,29% of multiple choice and 40% of essay questions fulfilled the criteria. On the analysis of the construction aspects 0% of multiple choice and 0% of essay questions fulfilled the criteria. The validity of multiple choice items were 45,71% in low category, while the essay were 80% in high category. The level of reliability of multiple choice items were unreliable, while the essay were reliable. The power of differentiator of multiple choice items were 37,14% in good category, while the essay were 80% in good category. The difficulty level of multiple choice items were 57,14% in moderate category, while the essay were 100% in moderate category. Detractors effectiveness showed that there are 57,14% items that the entire of its detractors worked well.

Biologi Kelas 12

Biologi adalah ilmu alam yang mempelajari kehidupan, dan organisme hidup, termasuk struktur, fungsi, pertumbuhan, evolusi, persebaran, dan taksonominya.[1] Ilmu biologi modern sangat luas, dan eklektik, serta terdiri dari berbagai macam cabang, dan subdisiplin. Namun, meskipun lingkupnya luas, terdapat beberapa konsep umum yang mengatur semua penelitian, sehingga menyatukannya dalam satu bidang. Biologi umumnya mengakui sel sebagai satuan dasar kehidupan, gen sebagai satuan dasar pewarisan, dan evolusi sebagai mekanisme yang mendorong terciptanya spesies baru. Selain itu, organisme diyakini bertahan dengan mengonsumsi, dan mengubah energi serta dengan meregulasi keadaan dalamnya agar tetap stabil, dan vital.